Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Free yourself

I haven't updated in quite a while and that is pretty awful considering I've just started lol but everything in my life has suddenly come to a great big halt. Problem after problem re occurring. Nothing ever comes easy and you can't be helped if you're not willing to help yourself but for the time being I find staying in the darkness all day everyday indoors is my way of coping. When someone is in a dark place, no one will understand. Sometimes I'll just sit there for hours blankly. Anyway, everything at the moment is just inconveniently messy and I actually have to sit in front of a computer to speak my mind freely.

My mind lately has turned to the (not so far) distant future. I have recently been inspired. And I love that. I think you can take inspiration from many places, people, things, quotes... yourself. In many cases I find it comes to me in times of need and I think it's truly amazing. I believe that everything happens for a reason but only to an extent. When you're going through a dark time you will find strength you didn't know existed. There is a solution to every problem, you just have to persist. OR let go.

"I used to know this boy. At one point I was pretty close with him. We drifted apart through the high school years. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. He spent about, what, 12 years of his life in some form of education. Anyway, it was at GCSE’s at our school. In his final days of his exams, he was hit by a car. Died instantly. He worked and studied for 95 percent of his whole life. It’s not his fault, but he did. He studied and learned to get a “good future” and died before getting there. He is never going to see the world. He did so little to say he had been in the world for 16 years. That’s it. He’s gone. Over. I was told by one of his close friends he was saying just a few days before he died, “I’ll never die, I’m going to live forever”. And that’s just it, no one does. No one lives forever. In fact quite the opposite. Our generation is expected to die before our parents. It’s so hard to break the boundaries that society have put on us, but you have to. I know it’s not hard to be scared about your future. You think you have to work nonstop so you can live when you’re older. But fuck it. Your teenage years will be the best years of your life, so go live them. Road trips, making music, whatever. Just go do it. Don’t waste your time now for the future because it may never happen. You may be killed tomorrow. I’m never going to live my life in the conventional form that is birth, school, college, work, marriage, the grave. Fuck this. Go chase the sunset. Meaning stop putting shit off. Get off the computer and go make an unforgettable moment happen with your friends. Go get that feeling like when you’re in another country and the air is warm and you feel so different.."
Oliver Sykes 

I think sometimes people forget that they're not getting any younger. I always do. But something I have learnt recently is sod it. You're young. You don't have to pay finances, tax or a mortgage. You don't have a family of 4 you need to feed. You don't have a 9-5, 5 days a week job you need to be up early for. You don't have these lock downs so why restrict yourself? What really is it stopping you from turning your wanderlust into reality and travelling around the world? Go and volunteer in a third world country. Go and try new foods or learn a new language. The world really is your oyster but you can't see it when you're stuck at home or pinned down to your studying. If it's the uni path you want to go down... follow it. But there is more than one correct way in becoming successful and that is not always measured by how much money you're earning. Just remember that happiness is the vital key to a content and fulfilling life. 

Lots of love,

Becca x

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